Scott Robinson // July 21st, 2020

Over timeless time
Mountains ground into sand
Countless trees become it
The very essence of… alive
Creating abundance
Nurturing our being
The Earth is always building it
It is “Source design”
It is absolutely fundamental
It -is- sacred
But often not treated that way
Disconnected and unbalanced, many disregard it
Not conscious of the reality
that it supports all
Honoring the end of the cycle
Honoring the beginning of the cycle in its manifestation
The ultimate in humility
Quietly working… so life can exist
The flowers get the glory
but it makes it happen
life creating
… soil
Scott Robinson // June 16th, 2020

The Spiritual practice of staying in place
The beginner moves whenever he or she is uncomfortable
The Spiritual Warrior transcends the desire to move
Stillness is the power
Stillness creating absolute flow
Stillness bringing
vibrant, energetic movement
Deep local
The Spiritual Warrior takes the lesson
from the Douglas fir tree
Staying in the exact same spot for centuries
Profoundly grounded
One of the most powerful things you can say is
“I’m staying here”
So many lifetimes traveling along the surface
Skipping without purpose
Never staying long enough to settle
Constant stimulation without meaning
Avoiding depth
Avoiding the internal deep dive
The Spiritual Warrior knows
It’s not out there
It’s right here
Within this spot
There is unlimited depth
Within this spot
There is unlimited height
Within this spot
There is freedom
Scott Robinson // June 16th, 2020

An excerpt from the book, ‘The Journey is the Goal’, by Scott Robinson
We are all loved, fundamentally, always.
Our connection with Source is our connection with love. Love and Source are the same thing. Love is what holds the universe together.
A common myth is that in order to experience love we have to share it with someone else. This is simply not the case. You can live within the state of love all the time. In fact you are love – it is what you are made of on a core level.
Scott Robinson // May 19th, 2020

The layer beneath the layer
The veneer on top of the structure
The unseen beneath the seen
The ego struts with unconsciousness
The Spirit flows with knowing
The master says,
“Don’t be fooled by the facade”
We must pierce the veil
to reveal the reality inside
Your relationship within
Your relationship without
Both must be polished
until they shine like gold
Then the vision is clear
And the material world
is seen…
simply dancing on top
of the energetic fire
Relationship games
are highly visible now
And the cleanup is vibrant
This understanding
Opens the seeker
to the seeing
Opens the surface
to the depths
Opens the bound
to the release
Scott Robinson // May 19th, 2020

An excerpt from the book, ‘The Journey is the Goal’, by Scott Robinson
When you get neutral and get out of judgment with your reality, you realize that every moment has equal value. There are no moments more significant than any other moments. Walking down the street and winning an award both have the same level of value.
When one truly gets spiritually present, every moment becomes rich and beautiful and deep, no matter what that particular moment is.
Can you have this moment? Can you enjoy your life? If not what are you waiting for?
When you truly move into an experience of the present moment, you naturally move into a state of bliss. You are not comparing the moment to any future event or any past event. It is already whole and rich and everything.
Scott Robinson // April 21st, 2020

An excerpt from the book, ‘The Journey is the Goal’, by Scott Robinson
In every situation in life, no matter how challenging or painful, there is always a gift of learning for you. The task of the Spiritual Warrior is to find the gift and then to truly receive it. It is often painful to look directly at an event in your life, especially something that has a lot of charge around it, but it is important to try and find the inherent learning. As you walk your spiritual path, this is a powerful way to continue to move forward.
One of the keys to being able to find the gift within — the particular piece, the gift for you — is to be neutral, to be out of judgment. You have to be able to look at these things without viewing them as right or wrong or good or bad. You have to transcend the idea that something should or should not have taken place, and know that as Spirit, you created the situation very specifically, in order to get a piece of information.
If you are able to see something from a place of neutrality you will acknowledge there is a specific reason why it occurred. There will be crucial learning in it for you. The question is whether you can receive the gift. Whatever takes place will redirect your life in a way that is entirely appropriate, if you can receive what is happening to you and not go into resistance to it. Getting the learning requires that you let go of previous plans, concepts, ideas and visions of the way life is supposed to be, and go with what is being presented to you. If you can see the gift and receive it, you will get the piece of information and learn from it, and your life will be blessed by this event.
Scott Robinson // April 21st, 2020

To the waters
Thank you for life
To the sky
You are our protection, our aura
To the soil
You nurture all
To the fires
Renewing rebirth
We walk the manifest path
with love, frustration and desire
I sit and adore this earth, this realm
and I know it is not forever
Forever exists outside of this place
This creation is a work of art
an expression of our creative nature
its detail profound
its beauty unbelievable
How much can we have it?
This intimate masterpiece of the Spirit
Scott Robinson // March 24th, 2020

An excerpt from the book, ‘The Journey is the Goal’, by Scott Robinson
Learning to communicate with your body is an essential part of spiritual growth. You have to be aware of what your body is saying to you and be able to touch into its main emotional tone. Although you may be functioning well, staying clear, and keeping your energy moving, your body could be in an entirely different state. This is not a problem, but it is important to listen to the messages your body is sending, and to offer comfort. What does your body want? What does it need? Where is it at? It is through the emotions originating in the second chakra that our bodies can communicate with us.
Scott Robinson // March 24th, 2020

Light pierces the veil of time
And with a flash I am crystal clear presence
Every cell vibrates in now
Trees more green
Body more real
Spirit more present
Scott Robinson // February 11th, 2020

An excerpt from the book, ‘The Journey is the Goal’, by Scott Robinson
Acceptance is about validating and saying hello to what is, that is, what is going on right now for you. With acceptance, you can clear the way to move forward spiritually. If you are in denial of a part of your reality, you will continue to be owned by that piece. Accepting what is, does not mean you are powerless to change your situation. It means, you are clear about where you are, and what you are working with. You are outside of judgment.